Blog Madness

e-Marketing tips

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Court rules that YouTube is responsible for content that users upload

Recently an Australian court has held Google responsible for the content of its advertisers. Now, a German court ruled that YouTube is responsible for the content that its users post to the video sharing site. The BBC reports:

A court in Hamburg ruled that YouTube is responsible for the content that users post to the video sharing site. It wants the video site to install filters that spot when users try to post music clips whose rights are held by royalty collection group, Gema. The German industry group said in court that YouTube had not done enough to stop copyrighted clips being posted.
If YouTube is forced to pay royalties for all the clips used on the site it will face a huge bill. Gema represents about 60,000 German song writers and musicians. If enforced, the ruling could also slow the rate at which video is posted to the site as any music clip would have to be cleared for copyright before being used.
Music streaming site Grooveshark pulled out of Germany claiming licensing rates set by Gema made it impossible to run a profitable business in the country.